Tuesday, 14 May 2013


Now lookee here, girl, what do you call that mess on the wall?
It’s a scribble, isn’t it? And a scribble don’t belong on the wall, it belongs on paper. Am I right or am I wrong?
Yep, s’pose so.
Right or wrong I asked, girl.
Right, thank you.
Granddad Pete was always shooting off about something and his granddaughter, Sophie, was normally in his firing line. She peered out from her lofty vantage point and endured it all with the cold stare of teenage oblivion.
You doing anything later, girl?
What about playing a sport. Tennis? Table tennis? Football?
Table football?
Don’t get fresh now, Sophie. But table football would be a start, wouldn’t it?
Go on then, here’s a pound. And a smile would be nice.
Sophie managed a smile, pecked her Granddad lightly on the cheek, and slouched off.
You will use the money for a game, won’t you?
Sophie mimed the bent over flick wrist motion of the game as she walked away.
Fat chance thought granddad, but she’d be good if she did play; the girl has attitude.